bodygoodies blog

its that time again!

Posted by heidi goldberg on

i cant believe i am doing what im doing right now... ive spent the day breaking down my holiday production schedule month by month, placed some initial orders to start getting my packaging supplies and ingredients in.... tomorrow i have an order pick up, and this week things should start arriving.  which means... next week my 2023 holiday production begins. this is crazy. where does the time even go? i took a break this week .yep, sure did!  shut the whole shop down to have a minute to breathe before the madness begins. i need time to get my bearings...

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so simple, so good

Posted by heidi goldberg on

well... the day is here! im blogging to announce the official simple soap line before i list them, i want to thank you all for participating in our polls online and filling out our physical in store poll cards. also, for those of you that told me in person, and txt me personally to let me know your thoughts, i thank you. disclaimer: the line is subject to change depending on how the sales continue to go on these bars -- to be fair, they havent all been out long enough to truly know just yet, but we think we have...

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new bars, new prices

Posted by heidi goldberg on

Hi guys! as you may have noticed there are quite a few changes taking place around here...one of the things i need to update you on, is the new bars and classic bar/new sizes and pricing. a few months ago when i was working on this overhaul with the new soaps, the simple soaps, i mentioned that our other bars, we'll call them the classic bars ( thanks for the name melanie ) were going to be changing as well. not the bars themselves as far as ingredients go, but, as far as the pricing goes. so after quite a...

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on and off the chopping block: sprays and other random products

Posted by heidi goldberg on

shhhhewwwwwww! this is what happens when i get an actual work from home day. alright, heres chopping block blog #3 and final. this is probably the hardest chopping block i had out of all of them- a lot of the products in this category have been ever changing as it is, and its been a real struggle for me to narrow these products down, as, they arent all necessarily body products, and there are a lot of things that factor in to making the decisions on these particular products. heres the short list and then i will individually go through...

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on and off the chopping block: solid lotions, serums, body oil, liplove

Posted by heidi goldberg on

lets get this chopping block overwith eh! serums: against my wishes, i got talked into keeping a product that was actually the first one in my mind to go. hahaa what the heck! yep....basic serum. its staying. lol  i guess i never really realized just how many people actually use it, until i let it sell out and not restock it. the amount of people looking for it, calling about it, asking when it will be in stock kinda forced me to change my decision. so, basic and the other two serums are all staying in the line. base, treatment, basic, and...

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