Hours: Tues, Weds, Fri 11-4, Saturday 11-2

bodygoodies blog


Posted by heidi goldberg on

its almost time! omg. ive only got a few days left to prepare everything thats about to make this sbs so freaking fun and amazing! ..... its year 15. and i decided to run with that number. soooooo .....we are going to be passing out FIFTEEN gift packs from the time we open until the time we close. thats right, 15. not one, like we usually do with a drawing at the end of the day, but IN STORE we are giving away 15 gift packs. now, im not telling you HOW the winners are selected, but i can tell...

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some not-so-soapy things

Posted by heidi goldberg on

Hi all... hopefully the posts were doing are starting to really get you pumped for whats about to go down in two weeks!! i think by now youve probably figured out that we are combining small biz sat with the celebration of our 15 year mark! we did that on our ten year and we are doing it again -- and we are going bigger and better than ever and we couldnt be more excited!  alright, so tonight i want to show you a couple of the products being released that ARENT soap and tell you a little more about...

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deets and surprises

Posted by heidi goldberg on

well, i made a grinch bar. :D and im ready to let you know about it.  we are just over two weeks away from sbs and i think i have some unveiling to do! initially i was planning to keep this bar, and three others total secret from you all, as well as some product that isnt soap, but the closer we get to the day - the more i realize how many of you will be coming out and ive decided to tell you about all but one thing coming out. that one thing, ill be keeping a secret...

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who's ready for a secret bar reveal?

Posted by heidi goldberg on

this year, this whole 4th quarter has all been really interesting for me - this season had me digging into all sorts of things from witches to romans, apothecaries to vikings, cleopatra, spartacus, battle grounds, gem stones, forests, all sorts of history and i loved every second of it. ive always loved history. something i decided to do this year was really take a step out of my comfort zone and get my hands on some new ingredients i had never used. i also really wanted to stick with the times and revolve a lot of what i made around...

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Posted by heidi goldberg on

for the love of good stuff... lets talk about good stuff!! right,  ok... first, are you planning on coming to small biz saturday? second, should i keep the secret things totally secret until that day or should i reveal them the night before so you can be that much more excited to get to the shop?? third: i want to know --- what do you look forward to the most about SBS at bodygoodies??? the sales, the secret products revealed, the giveaways and drawings, drinks and snacks?  the energy in the shop from everyone here having the best day ever??  i...

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