bodygoodies blog

every day skincare

Posted by heidi goldberg on

Some of you already know our skincare protocol here at bodygoodies, but for those of you who dont .... heres a simple breakdown of our most recommended skincare products and daily regimen recommendations - and a few little tips quick reference:  cleanser/soap: crud, frenchy, bar none, bar 21, rooibos tea, fij  moisturizer: base serum, treatment serum, remedy serum, basic serum exfoliant: we never recommend anything scrubby on the face, if you feel you need to remove dead skin cells - we recommend dairy ( yogurt/lactic acid) as a natural, gentle peel. toner: we recommend rose hydrosol ( floral water) if...

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Posted by heidi goldberg on

alright, ive finally found a little, no, made a little time to get some info out here about the new serum B A S E.  base started as a project in one of my notebooks about two years ago. Id found some interesting info on an oil that really piqued my interest and i thought man... this could be a serum pretty much all on its own. i started jotting down notes and looking for oils to compliment it... but not cast a shadow on it. i had to find the perfect blend so each individual oil got the recognition it...

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holiday 2018

Posted by heidi goldberg on

guys,  i . am . so . excited.   I always get excited when the holidays roll around - but,  this year is a little more special than the previous ones. you see, every year i start planning the holiday season about 6 months in advance. This year i had a theme in mind i was planning to go with, i had some bars and products planned... i started getting ingredients in to play around with and test. ..... and then maddi ( working on something totally different) asked me a question, which made me realize - -- -- --...

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essentials of essential oils

Posted by heidi goldberg on

hi guys!   i know its been a while since ive sat down to have a chat.... but ive found a little time tonight and there are a couple of things i want to talk about. You may have seen posts regarding our recent event about essential oils - just wanna touch base on that a little bit.  Over the years, customers have asked time and time again if bodygoodies sells essential oils, or if and when we will. Ive always wanted to make my oils available to you - its just so hard for me to do as i...

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the goodie reward program

Posted by bg staff on

we just launched a new way for you to earn rewards - and we love it. 

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