Hours: Tues, Weds, Fri 11-4, Saturday 11-2


Posted by heidi goldberg on

for the love of good stuff... lets talk about good stuff!!

right,  ok... first, are you planning on coming to small biz saturday?

second, should i keep the secret things totally secret until that day or should i reveal them the night before so you can be that much more excited to get to the shop??

third: i want to know --- what do you look forward to the most about SBS at bodygoodies??? the sales, the secret products revealed, the giveaways and drawings, drinks and snacks?  the energy in the shop from everyone here having the best day ever?? 

i am soooooo ready for happy, all good vibes and all good things.. i feel like it was just days ago i was telling you all in disbelief that i was prepping my holiday plans... and here we are, with almost all of my holiday product line made i cant believe it. like, really. its here.

i am super excited about whats coming out  -- there are a lot of bars that have never been here before, sure, we may miss some of the regulars, but i really wanted to chip away at my list thats been rolling over from year to year, and a lot of the soaps on there fit the history, " classic", simple theme that struck my fancy this year.

there are 14 full sized soaps being released on sbs and 6 mini bars. and... well, theres one soap coming out that im just not too sure what to call it... a bar? a chunk? a piece? a handful? lol youll see when its released, for now, its top secret and i am so freaking stoked about it!! its ridiculous, it makes me laugh and i hope it does the same for you or whoever you decide to gift it to. it will be carefully wrapped in special packaging with a personalized touch. HAHA guys, i had way too much fun this year despite the woes in my way. 

i do like to keep you on your toes and i really dislike being predictable and i especially love surprises. so you may have caught on that every year what we do on small biz sat is never the same and i have got some real big plans for this year!! like REAL big.i cant tell you what.....  but i can tell you, you definitely dont want to miss this year! 

my bench of secret product is filled with all sorts of things! secret whips, secret sprays, secret chapsticks, secret soaps, secret butter creams and milk and honey bars... i cant even begin to tell you how excited i am to release this stuff and as much as i love to include photos in my blogs, im sorry but,  i just have to share my adorable, amazing, sweet baby girls with you tonight since even they are keeping the products secret this year!


until next, 

-heidi , moxie and willow <3