Hours: Tues, Weds, Fri 11-4, Saturday 11-2

the good news is....

Posted by heidi goldberg on

my soap for the season is all made. yep. done. :( im sad because im not able to come in and make soap every morning, but - i guess im happy that im officially prepared as far as soap goes. for the first time, ever, ahead of schedule. thats never happened before. 

yes, ive definitely been busting over there. which, you also may have noticed by the lack of product (other than soap) thats been available in the shop in the last month or so. i simply had to put all priority on the soap production and unfortunately the other things had to take the back burner. but.....  i am happy to announce that ive already started restocking those things. today, meltdown bath soak was restocked, and farmhouse top shelf body creams were made. scrubbles and lemon vanilla pucks should be making their way back to the shop next week sometime. day by day things will be making their way back to the shop so be sure to check our social media accounts out to keep updated on that. now, dont expect too much lol --- as i will still have to be making the secret holiday non-soap-things ;) 

hopefully some of you have gotten your hands on the october release soaps and if so, we hope you are enjoying them -- i really worked hard this year on my plans and pulling them off without error. i also tried to take note of the amount of soap being made, to ensure there was enough to last longer than a week or two! i hoped they would carry through until small business saturday, but im not exactly confident in that .. heh. 

speaking of small business saturday --- i noticed a couple of weeks ago, that it falls really late this year!! november 30th is the date, which, only leaves 20 days of shopping at bodygoodies until we close on december 22nd until january 2nd. so, im considering doing a november 1st release -- to roll out a few more bars before our big release on november 30th. keep an eye out for details if we do end up doing that. which, its looking likely that we will. 

another reason we may roll out some stuff november 1st is..... because.... guys...... i seriously made SO MUCH SOAP. even after our 5 bars that came out on october 5th, i still have TWENTY kinds of soap to release!!!! there are only a couple that are retro bars making a come back, but even those, havent been made in 8 years so they will be completely new to many of you! and the rest of them ARE completely new. h.o.l.y.c.r.a.p!! im serious, when i say i have never had such an amazing time preparing for a holiday season. i am SO excited for you all to see all the stuff ive been working on!! i cant wait!! over the last two months, i literally would dream about soap, wake up and make notes, and fly up to work first thing in the morning and bring it to life. there are some soaps that are even knocking my own socks off :D 

hope youre getting excited!!

until next,
