Hours: Tues, Weds, Fri 11-4, Saturday 11-2

bodygoodies blog

our hopeful reopening plans!

Posted by heidi goldberg on

Hi guys! this post is long overdue, i know. so many of you are asking when we plan to reopen ---- we have been trying to figure out just how and when we can. If youve followed along with any of my recent previous blog posts, youll recall me saying how much trouble i was having getting ingredients in --- and really, thats the main reason we havent been able to reopen yet. we simply dont have enough stock.  i am happy to announce that many of my ingredients have finally started arriving and i have been busy cracking at...

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thank you!!

Posted by heidi goldberg on

Hi guys,  i want to take a few minutes tonight to reach out to you all -- to thank all of you! you guys have just been SO amazing. we truly could not ask for better customer/friends! Youve all been so patient and understanding as we roll with all of these changes, and we really just want you to know it means SO much to us! as you may know we recently rolled out our " in store pick up " option on our website, and as it was completely new to us, we had a lot to learn on...

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update on whats going on 4/8/2020

Posted by heidi goldberg on

Hi guys! i hope you are all staying safe, healthy, and sane during this stay-at-home stuff :) we've been doing our part over here, only leaving to pack orders and make products. ive been living on lentils for weeks. which, i always have loved lentils, but when we are cleared to grocery shop without so much worry, i dont know that ill ever buy them again. lol i want to thank you all for your continued support throughout this whole mess.i cant tell you how much it means to us-- thank you for keeping us going!!! ( ps, we love...

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"wash your hands" ..whew, we sure have heard that a lot lately!!!

Posted by BG Main on

hi guys,  as you are aware... things are getting a little crazy with this whole coronavirus thing. and as you all know, we care very much about health here at bodygoodies. I want to touch base on a couple of things here. yes, our retail location is currently closed to the public, however we are still operating! we are shipping online orders daily and have offered a shipping discount at 3.00 each, and still, as always, free shipping on orders over 75.00 - we will be going to work daily to get these orders out to you asap as we...

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harsh, but true - lip scrubs ..suck

Posted by heidi goldberg on

  guys.... i need to rant about a product, bear with me. so... i came home tonight and made myself a little yummy dinner, and as i always do, to unwind from a long day - i eat my dinner, read the news, check the weather, catch up on my instagram... etc. tonight, in the process of my insta-check... i saw it again. its almost like something is spitting venom into my eyes when i see it... yet another ... lip. scrub. ugh. make it stop. so, with winter around the corner, and the cold weather already starting to cause...

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