Hours: Tues, Weds, Fri 11-4, Saturday 11-2

our hopeful reopening plans!

Posted by heidi goldberg on

Hi guys!

this post is long overdue, i know. so many of you are asking when we plan to reopen ---- we have been trying to figure out just how and when we can. If youve followed along with any of my recent previous blog posts, youll recall me saying how much trouble i was having getting ingredients in --- and really, thats the main reason we havent been able to reopen yet. we simply dont have enough stock. 

i am happy to announce that many of my ingredients have finally started arriving and i have been busy cracking at all of the things ive got to get made. today, i finally was able to redo my soap production schedule on my giant white board and actually get measured out to make the soaps i so desperately need to make. its been tricky to say the very least, to continue on as we have been and i want to be sure to let you all know how thankful we are for all of your understanding as we stumbled through this very difficult time. 

just for an idea how difficult its been for me --- it took me three months just to get lavender oil, spearmint oil, peppermint oil, lime oil -- these oils are pretty much staples for the whole line ( aside from patchouli) and i really couldnt make anything until they arrived. frenchy, fij, crud, spa bar, low tide, lol pretty much everything. so, i had to focus elsewhere since i couldnt make any soap - but now, ive got to focus hardcore on getting some soap stock replenished. Its to the point where some of the other product is going to have to just slide for a bit so i can focus entirely on the soap since its got that crucial cure time. if i dont, then we will wind up in a position where we have no soap whatsoever. :O and well, that just wouldnt be good at all. although many of our products are used and loved, soap is definitely the thing we are known for, and that cure time is killer. 

we are hoping to start a soft re-opening in july -- we wont be back to our normal operational hours, but we are thinking on our pick up days we will extend the hours and be open for retail shopping on those days. that is our current plan, and hopefully i can work hard enough to get enough of a restock by the end of this month that we can reopen with better hours and more days by august. we will definitely keep you posted as we near the date and what the details exactly will be.

thank you so much for understanding, thank you so much for bearing with us, and thank you always for your continued support!!

hope youre all staying safe and healthy and enjoying this amazing weather! 

until next,
