Hours: Tues, Weds, Fri 11-4, Saturday 11-2

"wash your hands" ..whew, we sure have heard that a lot lately!!!

Posted by BG Main on

hi guys, 

as you are aware... things are getting a little crazy with this whole coronavirus thing. and as you all know, we care very much about health here at bodygoodies. I want to touch base on a couple of things here.

yes, our retail location is currently closed to the public, however we are still operating! we are shipping online orders daily and have offered a shipping discount at 3.00 each, and still, as always, free shipping on orders over 75.00 - we will be going to work daily to get these orders out to you asap as we know how important getting your product is to you. 

speaking of product, a lot of the questions we have received lately are regarding antibacterial and antiviral products. so, I figured id get a blog out to hopefully answer some of those questions. alright, so all (well made) handmade cold/hot process soap is antibacterial. rest assured knowing no matter what bar you have on hand, as long as you are washing properly for at least 20 seconds, you are disinfecting. that said, some of our product does have a bit more ability depending on which essential oils are in the product. 

rosemary , peppermint,  eucalyptus, tea tree, cajeput, lavender, geranium -- these are good ones to look out for if you are concerned with using soaps that possess antibacterial and antiviral compounds which can actively combat these things. that said, we understand you are all concerned ... we are too. I am working on getting some soaps out which have all of these oils in them. until then, we recommend:

bar 21 ( rosemary), frenchy (lavender), crud (lavender, geranium), lemongrass sea salt ( high rosemary content even though you will smell the lemongrass) and we have a few bars of punisher left as well. also, our new rosemary mint foaming hand soap for those of you who prefer to wash your hands with liquid soap.

something else you can do, is add your own essential oils to our unscented liquid soap. and, during this time - one of the things that is coming in really handy for us personally is the mini-foaming hand soap and our mini refresher spray. theyre nice because they are small and easy to tote around with you - I did just place an order for more packaging on the mini things (hopefully they arrive)- and plan to make the next round of mini foaming soaps in the rosemary mint. (currently we only have the unscented in stock, but again, you can simply put a few drops of essential oils in them - just be sure to shake the bottle before you use it.)

luckily I had enough ingredient stock on hand to already get the ball rolling on some super medicinal essential oil loaded soaps -- and I did just place another order for more to continue -- but I can already see getting certain ingredients in stock is going to be a problem. prices are hiking on me, there is already a lot of unavailability and a lot of purchase restrictions. im doing my best to bring you the best, and I will continue to do so for as long as I can. 

I also managed to snag up 5 gallons of 190 proof organic cane alcohol so I can continue to get refresher sprays out to you all. ah, and speaking of those -- if you don't have one in your arsenal, you may want to add one. we do have them available in 1 oz mini and 4 oz full size. honestly, personally, I cant even imagine not having these on me everywhere or anywhere I go, all the time, but especially now. A lot of people have been asking about these lately -- although we do not claim them to be anything but refresher sprays - the ingredients in them are said and known to disinfect, deodorize, and possess antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal and antimicrobial properties. (which is also why we use a specific organic high proof alcohol) we use them on our hands, door knobs, pillowcases, linens, etc. i never leave the house without one and i also always keep one in my truck so that i can always disinfect after being out in public ( like grocery shopping). yikes. 

I also placed an order for some larger 2oz sized minis and plan to bring out a tea tree, eucalyptus, mint one. as you know we don't use tea tree in large amounts often due to its strength, but I always say -- there are times its necessary -- now is one of those times. 

please understand there is no data for me to even research regarding the use of essential oils vs COVID-19 ---but I am pretty well versed in essential oils after all of these years and i do know which antiviral essential oils are said to be the most effective, and skin safe. so, although I make no claims, I will certainly do my best to make products to keep you as clean, safe and protected - naturally- as I possibly can. 

we understand the need for your well made, trusted, natural products and we will do everything possible to get through this difficult time. whats truly so unsettling about all of this from the business aspect, is that I have no way of knowing what i can depend on from one day or hour to the next. from ingredient supply, delivery woes, to things like USPS having enough priority boxes to meet our shipping demands which have tripled in a matter of days.  I must admit, its very very scary. there are no cliff notes on how to get through times like these -- my goal is to stay determined - to prepare for a lot of alternate plans and to not be surprised by surprises... to be patient and strong as i possibly can and hopefully continue to make product as fast as i can for as long as our ingredients will be available and delivered.

as always, maddi will continue to keep you updated on our social media of anything going on that we think you should know about. such as product shortage, new arrivals, restocked items, etc. so be sure to follow us on facebook and Instagram.

my heart goes out to all of you, and all small businesses. man this sure is tough on so many levels. I wish you all the very best...stay healthy, friends! 

until next,
