Hours: Tues, Weds, Fri 11-4, Saturday 11-2

rooibos tea


Regular price $12.50


Rooibos tea was created with a purpose: to soothe and heal. This super-calming, creamy lathering wonder bar has been a hit since the day it was created.  It is simply wonderful. Heidi drinks a cup of rooibos tea every single day; she knows first hand the powerful benefits of this tea. It only suits bodygoodies to have a soap made with it, as well. Teas have a high antioxidant level which are extremely beneficial to our health internally, and also topically.

We didn't stop there; rooibos tea is loaded with the highest quality patchouli oil we could get our hands on. Patchouli oil is very widely misunderstood as it is so well known for its distinct earthy aroma. However, from a skincare standpoint, it's hard to beat the properties of this oil's soothing and healing ability. Topped off with a bit of lavender to heal and soothe. From scars and discoloration to acne and irritation, eczema and psoriasis to tired or lack luster tone, this bar is here to help, and it knows it.

ingredients: saponified oils of: olive, coconut, apricot kernel, mango butter, palm, brewed rooibos tea, patchouli essential oil, lavender essential oil. 3.4-4.5 oz

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