Hours: Tues, Weds, Fri 11-4, Saturday 11-2

jude thee dude

Posted by heidi goldberg on

if there was ever a human made to take over bodygoodies someday, its this kid. jude. my 10 year old nephew. i had the greatest couple of days with him while he was in town recently and ive got a few things to share with you about that.

before jude even had both feet through the door he was telling me his soap ideas. he'd definitely been planning this.... and wow did he have some fantastic ideas! i asked him to write them down for me and then i told him he had perfect timing as i had a bar of soap coming out that needed a name. so, we took a few minutes away from creating bars and worked on naming one already made - and, karat cider was born. jude named that bar ..and it suits the bar perfect.

but oh... oh boy it does not stop there, his ideas , well.... i had at least 15 given to me while he was in the shop, but after he left he text me at least 40 more in the span of about 10 minutes, if that. and not only are the bar scent ideas great, but they came complete with names and themes. lol we have entire series from jude ya'll, and im telling ya, this kid knows whats up. 

that said, i am definitely going to be incorporating a few of his ideas into this seasons planning... and well, to be honest ill probably look back in our text thread for the next couple of years when i need inspiration. lol 

most of you know my special spot for kids as it is, but man.... listen, i wish each and every one of you could meet jude. hes just..... hes awesome. hes such a sweet heart, so warm, smart, adorable, hilarious, and his mind is absolutely beautiful... never stops, has all the questions, shares all of his thoughts and its so refreshing for me to be around him. i feel like jude may be the only person on the planet who never gets sick of me asking questions, sharing thoughts and never shutting up lol haha, ok, but im serious. im exhausting and i know it. :D

speaking of exhausting - i  made soooooo much soap this week. yep we are full swing into holiday production now. 7 days a week. whats worse, is i actually have so many ideas i could have two holiday seasons back to back and still not run out of ideas. the theme this year with all of these sweet treats has my mind on overdrive. although, i suppose its beneficial in a sense that my arm is already trashed because thats going to force me to switch up some of my plans and hopefully turn my thoughts down a notch so i can maybe get some sleep.

im not going to keep you all much longer here, but i do want to follow that with a reminder that as i am cranking out hundreds of pounds of soap, we are probably going to be running out of certain products - so please expect that. soap, as you may know has a certain amount of time it needs to cure, so it has to take priority as it all must be made by the end of October. heh...yep, no pressure. 

i will get to the other stuff when i can.... in the meantime, bear with me. 

ill be back hopefully later this week with a sneak peek at some of the bars ive been working on!